Monday, May 02, 2005

Brown Kinnard
(Retired) Former pastor, hospital chaplain and pastoral educator, and seminary professor

I enthusiastically recommend Bill Ranta for consideration by any church seeking to fill either a senior pastor or staff pastor position. Bill is multi-talented and has a rich mix of gifts, including pastoral care and counseling, healing ministry, teaching, preaching and administration. At Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor, where I knew Bill, he served variously as administrative pastor, care ministries pastor (Stephen Ministry, Pursuing Wholeness, Tradewinds), and children's ministry leader; and ably preached in rotation when the senior pastor was away. A person in his Tradewinds group said: "Bill was good at encouraging people to tell their stories without interfering. He was able to let people be with their feelings. It was life changing for me." Bill is supported at home by a wonderful wife, and they have four fine children. Bill has the educational background, pastoral skills, and life's experience to make a difference for good in the life of a church.